... to The Dark Lord, the fanlisting for Voldemort/Tom Riddle/You Know Who/He Who Must Not Be Named, a character in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. This site is listed at The Fanlistings Network in the Characters: Book/Movie category. The purpose of this website is to find out how many fans exist across the world, so please have a look around and join the fanlisting if you're a Voldemort fan!

A great big thanks to Kayleigh (seventh-sin.org) for her members list!

the stats
The fanlisting was last updated on 24th February 2025. There are a total of 1183 fans (+ 0 pending), from 80 countries. Sora was/were added on the last update and fans are joining at an average rate of 0.17 per day.

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site info
The images used on this site do not belong to me, they are intended for pretty viewing only & no copyright infringement is intended. I am also not affiliated with any part of Harry Potter, and this site is not official, it's just a fansite. The website is best viewed in the Firefox browser, with a 1024x768 resolution.