... to dot NET, the fanlisting for my favorite kind of domain, .net Domains. This site is listed at The Fanlistings Network in the Computer Miscellany and Internet category. The purpose of this website is to find out how many fans exist across the world, so please have a look around and join the fanlisting if you're a .net fan!A great big thanks to Jessica (wolfsheart.net) for letting me adopt the fanlisting! It has also previously been owned by Giselle and Heather.
the stats
The fanlisting was last updated on 24th February 2025. There are a total of 368 fans (+ 0 pending), from 42 countries. Courtnee was/were added on the last update and fans are joining at an average rate of 0.05 per day.

site info
I am not affiliated with any company that sells domains, this is just a fansite for .net domains. The website is best viewed in the Firefox browser, with a 1024x768 resolution.